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Can I still move house in lockdown? What you need to know

People can continue to view properties and move home despite the new national lockdown, the Government confirmed.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has imposed a national lockdown in the face of soaring coronavirus cases across the UK.

Despite people being urged to 'stay at home' once more, the government has said people “can still move home”, although people outside your household of support bubble should not help, “unless absolutely necessary”. A government spokesman said: “Estate and letting agents and removals firms can continue to work. If you are looking to move, you can go to property viewings.” The spokesman urged people to follow the national guidance on moving home safely – published following the introduction of the tier system in December – which includes advice on social distancing, letting fresh air in, and wearing a face covering. It says: “The housing market in England will remain open in all tiers. This means people looking to move home will be able to both continue with planned moves and view new properties to move into in the future. "Estate and lettings agents, removers, valuers and people in sales and lettings offices and show homes will be able to continue working.”

Moving your belongings

Removal firms are able to carry out work, but their usual procedures may be different to ensure moves take place as safely as possible.

Where possible, you should clean your belongings with standard domestic cleaning products before they are handled by others, including removal firms.

While the removers are in your home, you should ensure any internal doors are open and try to minimise your contact with the removers, maintaining a distance of at least two metres where possible.

All parties should wash their hands regularly and/or use hand sanitiser and should avoid touching surfaces where possible to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19.

You should not provide refreshments but you should ensure removers have access to hand-washing facilities.

- Article credit: Western Telegraph, view the full article here:

We're open as normal for removals to support you during the pandemic. The health and wellbeing of our clients and staff is our priority, we're taking all the necessary precautions such as keeping to the recommended social distance, wearing gloves and masks where required.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding a house move or you would like a quote. More information can be found here.


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